How Much CBD Can I Take in a Day?
If you’re interested in trying cannabidiol (CBD), you might be wondering what an appropriate amount to take is. CBD comes in many shapes and sizes and affects everyone differently.
It’s important to find the right dosing to ensure you’re getting the most out of the product while not being wasteful or placing yourself at increased risk of potential side effects.
Dosing guide for CBD
When it comes to figuring out how much CBD to take in a day, you should consider a few factors. Your appropriate CBD dose depends on your history with CBD, your personal needs, and your physical attributes.
Some of the most important factors to consider when figuring out your CBD dosage includes:
The severity of your symptoms: If the symptoms that you’re wanting to target with CBD are severe, it’s likely that you’ll require a higher dose to experience appropriate effects. And on the flip side, if you have milder symptoms, then a lower CBD dose is probably a better place to start.
Tolerance and history: Your history with CBD and your tolerance to it is another helpful indicator of where to start your dose. Someone who’s never tried CBD should likely start with a lower dose than someone who has consumed a lot of CBD in the past.
Physical type: Different body types also affect how much CBD you should take. Generally, the smaller the person, the lower the dose. To ensure you’re taking the right amount of CBD, it’s important to take your body type into consideration.
How you consume CBD: CBD can be consumed in various ways and the consumption method you choose changes the amount of CBD that you need. Some methods produce stronger effects quickly (e.g., vaping or sublingual application) and should be used with lower doses. Other methods (e.g., edibles) produce slower, milder effects and can be tried at higher doses.
So what’s a good number to start with? Research into the effects of CBD tells us that doses as low as 40 mg and as high as 1,500 mg per day can be used safely and effectively (1, 2). One study involving children with epilepsy found that 750 mg was the most therapeutic dose (3).
Dosing guides with your CBD product will provide helpful information for where to start. And remember, if you’re not sure how much CBD to take per day, it’s best to start low and work your way up.
Is there such a thing as too much CBD?
One important benefit of CBD is that you can’t overdose on it. The National Cancer Institute reported on CBD’s overdose risk, saying that “because CBD receptors are not located in the brainstem areas controlling respiration, overdoses do not occur.” What this means is that CBD has no pathway to affect breathing and therefore cannot induce an overdose. Therefore, even at really high doses, overdose risk doesn’t seem possible (4).
Even though you can’t overdose on CBD, it doesn’t mean that you can take unlimited amounts. Getting your CBD dose right is important to make sure you’re not placing yourself at increased risk of potential side effects.
Potential side effects from CBD use
Side effects are possible from CBD use. But the good news is that CBD has a high safety profile. Side effects from CBD tend to be mild and can include:
Reduced appetite (5)
If you experience any of these symptoms after taking CBD, you may want to consider lowering your dosage. If symptoms still occur, then it’s best to stop taking CBD until the symptoms go away and consider a lower dosage next time. If you have concerns about CBD’s side effects, reach out to your doctor or health professional for advice.
One symptom that you don’t have to worry about with CBD is getting high. CBD is not the compound responsible for the well-known effects of cannabis. That honor belongs to another compound in cannabis plants called THC. So long as your CBD product doesn’t contain THC, you won’t experience a high.
Why would I want to take CBD?
Research into CBD tells us that it’s an impressive compound that has shown an ability to significantly decrease the symptoms of a range of conditions. Even just a quick snapshot of CBD shows us that this cannabis extract may help treat:
Anxiety (6)
Inflammation (7)
Psoriasis (8)
Alzheimer’s (9)
Sleep irregularities (10)
Seizure disorders (11)
Different ways to consume CBD
As well as figuring out how much CBD to take, you also need to decide how you’re going to consume it. Thanks to the recent changes to CBD and cannabis legalization, CBD is now far more readily available in a variety of forms.
CBD oil is the product that you’ll come across the most. It’s incredibly versatile and can be used on the skin, added to your food and drinks, or placed under the tongue for sublingual delivery.
Other ways to consume CBD that you’re likely to come across include:
Vaping: Vaping CBD vape liquid delivers quick and strong effects.
Edibles: CBD edibles are easy to consume, tasty, and deliver long-lasting mild effects.
Topical products: Topical CBD products like shampoos, lotions, and oils are easy to incorporate into your routine and can target specific skin areas. Although it’s important to note that their effectiveness can be low (12).
Nasal sprays: Even CBD nasal sprays are available these days, and they deliver relatively quick and strong effects when compared to some of the milder consumption methods.
The bottom line
How much CBD can you take in a day? The answer is different for everyone. Factors such as your symptoms, experience, body type, and consumption method all play a role in how much CBD you should take in a day.
**Standard Disclaimer: CBD is not FDA-approved. We make no such claims that using our products will guarantee relief. Moreover, research regarding CBD is still ongoing and in the early stages.**